Dogs like Ivan, on the other hand, are all bottom up.
相反, 象伊万这样的狗完全是自下而上的.
互联网Pluto will help you improve your life from the bottom up, gradually and with care.
他将从头到脚地改善你的生活, 缓慢而谨慎.
——期刊摘选I engineers from bottom up, at the beginning only technology, knowledge management.
我是从底层工程师出来, 一开始只懂技术, 不懂管理.
——期刊摘选Simulations are bottom up; they are complex systems based on logical rules.
它也是颠覆性的, 是基于逻辑规则上的复杂系统.
——期刊摘选Principles and patterns add a bottom - up approach to balance the process.
原则和模式则加入了一种 自下而上 的方法,从而平衡整个过程.
About Face 3交互设计精髓This chapter describes a technique for parsing using the bottom - up method.
辞典例句He'll be spending several months in each department, learning the business from the bottom up.
他将在各个部门待上几个月, 从头学起怎么做生意.
辞典例句The Fund Portfolio Investment Strategy -- Top Down or Bottom Up?
基金组合投资策略 -- 自上而下还是自下而上?
互联网Bottom - up , stock selection in a number of stock fund managers strategy.
自下而上 、 精选个股成为众多基金经理的选股策略.
互联网The word Restore tool, top - down parser, and graph - based bottom - up parser.
单词还原工具, 自顶向下的分析器和 基于 图的自底向上句法分析器.
互联网The key techniques based on the bottom - up - assembly approach for nanofabrication are reviewed.
互联网A salvage from the bottom up, from a top - down fishing.
一会从下往上捞, 一会从上往下捞.
互联网Let our bottom up, our team were passing.
互联网Parametric and bottom - up cost estimation.
参数及 自下而上成 本估算法.
互联网The Fund will be more bottom - up approach used to choose a reasonable valuation of the company.
该基金将更多采用 自下而上 的方式选择估值合理的公司.
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